Henry United Methodist Church
Worship With Us
Sunday Mornings
Fellowship Time - 9:45 AM
Worship - 10:15 AM
225 Lincoln St, Henry, IL
Over 150 Years of Tradition In Our Beautiful River Town
The story of the United Methodist Church, Henry Illinois was documented ‘In Celebration’, a book published in 1987 to celebrate 10 years in the present HUMC building. This edited account comes from that book.
As early as 1793 Methodism came to Illinois by Rev. Joseph Lillard who organized the first camp meeting. Missionaries were sent into the territory to search for settlements to evangelize white settlers and Native Americans. Circuit Riders then traveled throughout Illinois with a pocket Bible putting their safety in the Lord’s hands.
In 1834 Methodism arrived in Henry, IL. Without a church building, services and education classes were held on wooden planks stretched across sawn logs. Soon after the Illinois Conference established the Methodist Episcopal Church of Henry.
Many conversions increased membership so the first building was erected on School Street in 1852. Times were difficult for frontier preachers often supplementing their pay with food, wood and horse fodder. Early roads were fit only for wagons, but people were in earnest. Hungry for powerful spiritual enrichment, they crowded into the church.
Too small for the congregation, the second church was built on Third and Wirt in 1888. The cost for the building was $7,905 and which included $500 for a new bell tower (the bell that hangs in front of the present Lincoln Street structure). In 1968 The Methodist and Evangelical United Brethren Churches joined to form The United Methodist Church.
Considering repair issues and high attendance a new vision appeared. Five acres was purchased on the northeast corner of Henry. There the Henry United Methodist Church, 225 Lincoln, moved in 1977 to its present site. The round stained glass window from the 1888 building was moved and built into the foyer of the Lincoln Street building.
The real story of United Methodism in Henry lies in the hearts and minds and lives of all the saints, those living now and those who have gone before.